''Cats of the World''
Andrew Marttila is a cat photographer married to Hannah Shaw, who has written books about kittens. They are also animal advocates who foster dogs and cats.
They decided to take a break and go on a trip together. They wound up spending much of their time with felines--resulting in Cats of the World, a new book of stories and photographs.
A few of the subjects and their surroundings are a perfect match. The color of their fur is so similar, as with a white and ginger youngster posing on the shore in Tanzania, and an older animal sitting by a peach and tan wall in Italy.
Others, unfortunately, were photographed too far away. So they can barely be spotted.
Far better are the shots featuring them in settings like produce markets and bookstores. One proprietor points out that it's more hygienic to keep a kitty around instead of being overwhelmed by rodents.
There's even a picture of one animal looking out of a window where food orders are placed. If customers express displeasure. the restaurateur suggests they go elsewhere.
On the other hand, not all of the subjects have homes. One lives above a stretch of empty storefronts and won't even come down to eat. So a Puerto Rican couple toss kibble wrapped in balls of newspaper to the cat they call Skywalker.
A couple of shots are from Angels Farm Sanctuary. The Turkish owner says the kitties get along with the camels and other residents, so serve as an example to people
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